The Cali Garmo

goes Gay

Anti Gay Marriage Donors Remain Public

By gay , Published on Thu 29 January 2009
Category: california

Score one for the gays. A federal judge just said that donors who contributed to the passage of Proposition 8 in California must remain public.

[[U.S. District Judge Morrison England Jr. sided with the state of California in this case. He stated that "If there ever needs to be sunshine on a political issue, it is with a ballot measure." He mentioned that so many campaigns have such obscure names that if the people didn't know who was donating, they would never know who was donating money.]{#mn_Article}]{#mn_Global}

[[The case spawned when numerous pro-prop 8 people and business were targeted for donating towards the campaign. Judge England stated that there was not enough evidence that showed that the same would not have occured even if the the donations were made private.]{}]{}

[[Go Judges!]{}]{}
Source: San Jose Mercury News