The Cali Garmo

goes Gay

Prop 8 Supporters want donations to be anonymous

By gay , Published on Thu 08 January 2009
Category: law

Businesses that donated money to the yes on 8 filed a lawsuit in California in order to get their donations to become anonymouse due to abuse they are receiving due to their donations.

Some Californian business filed a lawsuit recently asking the laws to be reversed to allow donations to become anonymouse. Their reasoning? So that they will no longer be a target for pro-same-sex marriage persons. Countless business are being targeted and threatened by people due to the way they donating in the election.

No on 8 spokesperson Geoff Kors had said that it was funny that the yes on 8 people were trying to overturn the Political Reform Act of 1974 which was itself a voter initiative. He also thought it was funny that the yes on 8 people were also targeting no on 8 supporters during the election. He thought it was very hypocritical.

Chances are, the lawsuit will not pass.

Source: SF Gate