The Cali Garmo

goes Gay

Breakaway Parish can't take property

By gay , Published on Tue 06 January 2009
Category: law

In a unanimous decision on monday the California State Supreme Court said that a breakaway parish from a church does not have the right to keep church property and buildings.

The ruling was based off of an Episcopal Church out in Newport beach that brokeaway from the Episcopal Dioceses out in the area mainly due to the national church's stance on LGBT rights. The congregation broke off after a gay bishop was concecrated in 2003 in New Hampshire. This ruling will effect a lot of churchs that have broken away from their repective dioceses due to differences in opinion, especially in an era where each church has their own view on what rights LGBT members should have.

The ruling basically states that since the property is owned by the national church rather than the church itself, if the church breaks away then the property is owned by the national church and therefore can be taken away if chosen by the national church.

Source: LA Times