The Cali Garmo

does Eurovision


By thecaligarmo , Published on Thu 10 May 2012
Category: Eurovision 2012

Hello Europe! I just landed in London and am so excited to be here! In honor I'll review Montenegro's entry this year which is all about Europe.

Montenegro definitely gets the political award this year. I'm sure the eurovision board had to think long and hard on this one since they don't like political songs. I truthfully have no idea how this song was approved considering how political it is, but whatever. Rambo can't sing very well and usually political songs don't do very well. The song also is just not very good. I expect a very bad finish in the first semi-final. Sorry Montenegro, but you don't even get 1 point from the cali garmo.

Performer: Rambo Amadeus
Song title: Euro Neuro
Song writer(s): Rambo Amadeus
Song composer(s): Rambo Amadeus

Euro skeptik,
analfabetik, try not to be hermetic.

Euro Neuro don’t be skeptik,
hermetic, pathetic, analfabetic
forget old cosmetic
you need new poetic, estetic
eclectic, dialectic

Euro neuro don’t be dogmatic, beaurocratic,
you need to become pragmatic,
to stop change climatic, automatic
need contribution from the institution
to find solution for polution
to save the children of the evolution

Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Monetary brake dance
Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Give me chance to refinance

Blue Cave excursion tour to Zanjice
Today we have octopus

Euro neuro I don’t like
snobism, nationalism, puritanism
I am different organism,
my heroism is
pacifizam altruizam
I enjoy biciklizam, liberalizam
turizam, nudism, optizam,
it is good for reumatism

Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Give me chance to refinance

Euro neuro I got no ambition
for high position
in the competition
with air condition
different mission different school
I got only one rule
always stay cool
like a swimming pool.

Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Monetary brake dance
Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Euro neuro
Give me chance to refinance